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  • Writer's pictureLittle Horwood Guns

A guide to air rifle power regulations in the UK

Updated: Feb 19

Air rifles are popular among shooting enthusiasts in the UK, offering a quieter and often more accessible alternative to traditional firearms. However, understanding and adhering to the legal power limits for air rifles is crucial to ensure responsible and lawful ownership. In this blog post, we will explore the regulations surrounding air rifle power limits in the UK and provide valuable insights for enthusiasts and newcomers alike.

Current Regulations: The legal power limit for air rifles in the UK is set at 12 ft-lbs (foot-pounds) or 16.27 joules for rifles and 6 ft-lbs or 8.13 joules for pistols. These limits are in place to balance the interests of airgun enthusiasts with public safety concerns. It's important to note that regulations may change, so it's essential to check the most recent guidelines from authoritative sources.

Why Power Limits Matter:

  1. Safety Concerns: Adhering to power limits helps ensure that air rifles remain a safe and responsible choice for shooting enthusiasts. Exceeding these limits can result in a higher risk of injury or damage, compromising the safety of both the shooter and those in the vicinity.

  2. Legal Compliance: Staying within the prescribed power limits is a legal requirement. Failure to comply with these regulations may lead to severe consequences, including fines, imprisonment, or the confiscation of your air rifle.

  3. Public Perception: Responsible ownership helps shape the public's perception of airgun enthusiasts. By respecting power limits and practicing safe shooting habits, individuals contribute to a positive image for the wider community.

How to Measure Power: Air rifle power is typically measured in foot-pounds or joules. Most manufacturers provide information about the power output of their air rifles in the product specifications. However, for those who want to double-check, there are various tools available, such as chronographs, that measure the velocity of the pellets, allowing users to calculate the energy produced.

Checking for Updates: Regulations and guidelines may be subject to change, so it's crucial to stay informed about any updates from relevant authorities. The UK government's website, local law enforcement agencies, or airgun associations can provide the most recent and accurate information.

Conclusion: Understanding and respecting air rifle power limits in the UK is an integral part of responsible ownership. By staying informed about the current regulations, measuring power accurately, and prioritizing safety, enthusiasts can enjoy their hobby while contributing to a positive image of the airgun community. Always remember that responsible ownership not only ensures legal compliance but also promotes a culture of safety and consideration for others.

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